What Is A Dimpleplasty? A Plastic Surgeon Breaks Down The 'Unique Procedure' For Us

Many people associate cheek dimples with big-eyed, chubby-cheeked babies. Although most children appear to have cheek dimples, it's largely due to the presence of baby fat, which many people naturally grow out of over time. However, those with genetically inherited cheek dimples carry this cherub-like facial feature well into adulthood. They help accentuate your cheeks and smile, lending to a more youthful and friendly appearance. Today, the dimple obsession has sparked a new trend in the realm of cosmetic surgery: dimpleplasty.


During an exclusive chat with Glam, Dr. Daniel Yamini, a board-certified plastic surgeon of Visthetic Surgery Institute and Medspa located in Beverly Hills, California, explains how dimpleplasty differs from other cosmetic surgeries. "This is a rather unique procedure compared to other plastic surgeries because we are creating a totally new facial feature where one did not exist before. Normally in plastic surgery, we are enhancing the appearance or fixing flaws in already existing features such as a saggy jawline or a bump on the nose. A dimple is a very unique feature that most people are not born with so it is a unique new creation."

Moreover, social media may have contributed to the growing interest in this cheeky procedure. For instance, the dimple trend hashtag (#dimpletrend) sits at over 74 million views and counting on TikTok, where you will find an endless page of dimple-cheeked individuals and questionable dimple-forming products. If you've ever wanted dimples, now is the time to consider a dimpleplasty procedure.


What to expect

Cheek dimples occur due to a split in the facial muscles — specifically, the zygomaticus major muscle— and this split can occur on one or both sides of the face. When an individual with dimples smiles, the skin passes over the split in the muscle, forming an indent in the cheeks. The goal of dimpleplasty surgery is to mimic the natural splitting of the skin and underlying muscle to recreate the same dimple-like effect. "This procedure involves making a small invisible incision from the inside of the mouth and pinching in the skin on the surface of the cheek, where a natural occurring dimple from the smile would be," board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Yamini exclusively reveals to Glam. "Once the sutures heal in that pinched-in location, it creates a permanent scar, pulling the cheek into the shape of a natural dimple permanently."


What's more, dimpleplasty falls on the lower end of the affordability scale compared to other cosmetic facial procedures, such as rhinoplasty. "Depending on the surgeon's reputation and level of experience, this office-based procedure should cost between $2,000 to $5,000," Dr. Yamini explains. However, he adds that this estimate doesn't factor in associated procedures that the surgeon may need to perform, such as buccal fat removal, which is often performed simultaneously to reduce rounded cheeks before dimpleplasty.

Recovery and maintenance

As a minimally invasive procedure, the recovery time for dimpleplasty doesn't require much downtime. In the absence of complications, standard recovery lasts between three to six weeks. "There can be some swelling, bruising, and discomfort for two to seven days. Initially, the dimples may appear deep and unnatural without smiling, but if done properly over a period of two to three months, the dimples become more natural-looking," Dr. Daniel Yamini shares exclusively with Glam. You can also expect a menu of broths, fruit juices, and similar forms of liquid sustenance for several days, as indicated by your surgeon.


In terms of maintenance, clients don't typically return for check-ups and appointments unless your surgeon deems it necessary. "If done properly, this procedure should be a one-and-done permanent solution and not require any follow-ups or upkeep. If there are complications, such as the sutures breaking, then a revision procedure has to be performed after a period of healing," Dr. Yamini adds.

That said, if you're not keen to go under the knife, it's important to stay clear of the gimmicky dimple devices advertised on TikTok, which may put you at risk of developing irreversible nerve damage. Instead, follow a safe DIY makeup hack to get the cute dimpled look in the comfort of your home — no sutures or nerve damage required.


